It means if starting date is Jan 1, then next dates will be at Jan 3, Jan 5 and so on. The continue statement breaks one iteration (in the loop), if a specified condition occurs, and continues with the next iteration in the loop. You can specify how many times the execution will. These include for loop, while and do while and the foreach loop.
For loop in php code#
A for loop is perfect when you know how many times you want to loop through a code block. The syntax is roughly the same as most programming languages and is relatively easy to understand. Now, PHP for loop is meant to execute portions of code multiple times. PHP supports different types of loops to iterate through a given block of code. The for loop is an essential control structure within the PHP programing language. Using foreach PHP code blocks will be run repeatedly with their every element in a row. They are meant to be used with the more complex types of PHP variables - arrays and objects. PHP Script to create a loop which navigate between 2 given dates with alternate dates. PHP foreach loops have a particular purpose. PHP Loop Between Two Dates with Alternate Dates: This script can be useful at many places where application’s required to use ranges of dates. for loop In for loop execute block of code up to the condition is true. PHP Script to create a loop which navigate between 2 given dates. PHP loop used to execute same block of code again and again specified number of time. You can use break or continue if you need to exit the loop early or skip an iteration. Unlike a regular for loop, you do not need to know the array’s length as the foreach loop will continue until it reaches the last element. In this article you will learn about creating loop which will go through all dates between two given dates. Foreach loops are the perfect way of iterating through data stored in an array. PHP is programming language widly used for web development.